Brisk market activity caused traditional pre-Easter price increase and narrowed the reqional price gap. The price in Eastern regions of Ukraine varied within 45-48 UAH/kg LWE, the price range in the Centre went up to 47-49 UAH/kg LWE and up to 48-50 UAH/kg LWE in the Western regions.
Live pigs prices stayed within the price range of the previous weeks: Western regions — 46-48 UAH/kg LWE, Center — 43-46 UAH/kg LWE, South — 47-48 UAH/kg LWE, Eastern regions — 43-45 UAH/kg LWE. However, active demand and requests for additional batches caused 0.5-1.5 UAH/kg LWE increase of priced, yet they stayed within the regional ranges.
Uneven market situation caused regional price gap. The Western regions — 46-48 UAH/kg LWE. Center and East of Ukraine — 43-46 UAH/kg LWE and 43-45 UAH/kg LWE, correspondingly. South — 46-47 UAH/kg LWE.
Uneven market situation caused regional price gap. The Western regions — 46-48 UAH/kg LWE. Center and East of Ukraine — 43-46 UAH/kg LWE and 43-45 UAH/kg LWE, correspondingly. South — 46-47 UAH/kg LWE.
Uneven market situation caused regional price gap. The Western regions — 46-48 UAH/kg LWE. Center and East of Ukraine — 43-46 UAH/kg LWE and 43-45 UAH/kg LWE, correspondingly. South — 46-47 UAH/kg LWE.
Uneven market situation caused regional price gap. The highest population density, demand and prices are observed in Western regions — 46-48 UAH/kg LWE. Center and East of Ukraine, more affected by war, feel the pressure of lower slaughter capacity and forced migration of civilians to safer territories. In the Central regions prices vary within 43-46 UAH/kg LWE and 43-45 UAH/kg LWE in the East. Low supply on the South keeps prices within the range of 46-47 UAH/kg LWE.
The majority of stakeholders left the live pigs' price unchanged. The price deviation that did take place in some cases was insignificant — +/- 0,5-1 UAH/kg LWE.
Market players are disoriented and have difficulties selling pigs to slaughter due to logistic issues and forced decrease of slaughter/meat processing capacities.