Smart farm with free-access machines


Innovative sow group housing without electronics.

Implementing technology aimed at keeping animals comfortably does not necessarily have to consist of expensive electronics, programmable controllers (PLCs) and Internet connectivity. It can be an innovative mechanical design that simultaneously solves production problems and does not require unnecessary capital investment.

These are the Free Access Machines (FAS), which in combination with the group housing units, feed stations and HOG SLAT shoulder dividers provide an easy to manage group housing system for sows in fertile and waiting areas, meeting animal welfare requirements without the complicated maintenance and communication problems associated with electronic sow feeding systems.

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  • FASі staff and sows already know how to use it
  • machine design that has been tried and tested
  • attention to detail for longevity
  • free access machines approved by the sows

Hog Slat Ukraine Ltd:

ul. V. Lipkovskogo, 45, office 511 B
г. Kiev, 03035, Ukraine

(067) 446-0101
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